Mere Preschool & Nursery are committed to providing a safe environment for all of our children, staff and visitors. Please click on the link to find a copy of our policies and procedures. All policies are reviewed annually by the Manager and Committee Chair. A hard copy of the policies is available within the preschool.
Early Years Foundation Stage Framework 2021
When a child starts their journey with us, they are allocated a key person. This person is trained and highly skilled in meeting the needs of children and will have the key experience needed to ensure they understand where each child is in their development and have the knowledge to put in place the necessary steps to ensure the child can progress and achieve their very best. The preschool uses the Development Matters and Early Learning Goals to ensure they are meeting the children's needs. Details can be found by clicking on the links below.
The children's centres offer a range of activities and support services to families with children aged 0-5 years.
Click here to find lots of helpful information around funding and eligibility.